Conda is an open-source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Conda quickly installs, runs, and updates packages and their dependencies. Conda as a package manager helps you find and install packages.
module load conda/latest
Conda enviornments must first be created and the conda packages can be installed within them
conda create -n <environment_name>
All conda environments and packages will be installed to ~/.conda by default
Custom Path
If you wish to create a conda environment to share with your group, create the conda environment in a custom path
mkdir -p $WORK/conda/envs
conda create --prefix $WORK/conda/envs/<environment_name>
conda activate /panfs/pfs.local/work/<groupname>/<username>/conda/envs/<environment_name>
The above will create an empty conda environment. Next step is to activate the conda environment.
conda activate <environment_name>
Install Packages
Install packages into the fresh conda environment. This will install the latest version of python and matplotlib that are compatible with each other.
conda install python matplotlib
Specific version of package
You can specify the version of package you wish to install.
conda install python=3.8
Search for versions
Search for specific package named 'python':
conda search python
conda search 'python>=3.8'
Deactivating the conda environment returns you back to your normal shell.
conda deactivate
Conda channels are the locations where packages are stored. The default Anaconda channel has most packages, but sometimes an installation will need a new channel to look for packages in. Popular channels that are used are conda-forge and bioconda.
conda install cutadapt -c bioconda conda-forge
Conda File Usage
Users often run into the 100K file limit in their $HOME folder and most of the time it is due to conda. Conda downloads and unpackages all files for the environment in ~/.conda/pkgs. This uses a lot of files. One of the ways to circumvent using $HOME for the .conda folder is to symlink it to a folder in your $WORK directory.
mkdir $WORK/conda
mv ~/.conda/* $WORK/conda/
rmdir ~/.conda
ln -s $WORK/conda ~/.conda
Example Install
Putting it all together to create and install a conda enviornment
module load conda/latest
conda create cutadapt-env
conda activate cutadapt-env
conda install cutadapt -c bioconda conda-forge
Example Submit Sciprt
How to use a Conda environment in a submit script
module load conda/latest
conda activate cutadapt-env
cutadapt --version
conda deactivate
If you have a long workflow, you can insert the above anywhere in your submit script. Activate and deactivate multiple conda environments throughout a single submit script