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crctool is a command that will display various statistics about compute nodes you have access to and storage usage.


--------------------------------- Partitions -----------------------------------
|        **(Nodes) Cores / Memory / (G)PU or (P)HI -- Features**               |
| partition1                                                                   |
|       (2)  24 / 128GB      -- avx2,ib                                        |
|       (1)  24 / 512GB      -- avx2,ib                                        |
|       (3)  48 / 256GB      -- avx2,avx512,ib                                 |
|                                                                              |
|       (216) - Cores                                                          |
|       (1536 GB) - Memory                                                     |
|       (6) - Nodes                                                            |
| partition2                                                                   |
|       (1)  48 / 192GB      -- avx2,avx512,noib                               |
|       (1)  48 / 128GB / 4G -- avx2,avx512,noib,a40,single                    |
|                                                                              |
|       (96) - Cores                                                           |
|       (320 GB) - Memory                                                      |
|       (4) - GPUs                                                             |
|       (1) - Nodes                                                            |

The first part of the output will display which partitions you have access to and the nodes that are in each partition.

  • Parentehsis "()", is the quantity of that type of node in the partition
  • Number of cores in each node is next before the slash "/"
  • After the slash "/" is the amount of memory each node has has
  • After the "--" are the features for that node
  • "G" stands for GPU and denotes how many GPUs are in that node

The total of all resources is given a the end

Storage Variables

------------------------------- Storage Variables ------------------------------
| Variable     Path                                                            |
| $HOME        /home/r557e636                                                  |
| $WORK        /kuhpc/work/crc/r557e636                                        |
| $SCRATCH     /panfs/pfs.local/scratch/crc/r557e636                           |

These are variables automatically assigned to you based on your primary group. They can be used in your submit script.

Storage Groups

------------------------------- Storage Groups ---------------------------------
| Name                      Paths                                              |
| crc (Primary) ----------- /kuhpc/work/crc                                    |
|                           /kuhpc/scratch/crc                                 |
| bigjay ------------------ /kuhpc/work/bigjay                                 |
|                           /kuhpc/scratch/bigjay                              |

A list of all storage groups you belong to and the corresponding paths for those groups in which you have access to.

Your Usage

--------------------------------- Your Usage -----------------------------------
| Volume                            Used       Limit        Files        Limit |
| /home/r557e636                 47.21GB       100GB        67051       300000 |
| /kuhpc/work/crc                36.66GB           0        28816            0 |
| /kuhpc/work/bigjay              9.70MB           0          298            0 |
| /kuhpc/scratch                      0B           0           16            0 |

This is how much you are using in each storage volume. This is not the total usage of the volume, just how much you are using. There is a quota limit on your $HOME directory, but by default there is no quota applied to you in $WORK or $SCRATCH directories.

Volume Usage

-------------------------------- Volume Usage ----------------------------------
| Volume                            Used        Size        Files        Limit |
| /kuhpc/work/crc                 1.02TB         2TB       268544            0 |
| /kuhpc/work/bigjay             76.37TB       235TB     13338827            0 |
| /kuhpc/scratch                 104.2TB     972.8TB     19029057            0 |

Total volume usage. This is the total of how much every member of that group is using.

crctool -p par1

Display all jobs, including sixhour jobs, running on the specified partition.

r05r18n03 - 257415 MB - CPU(48/0/0/48)
    57435688   sixhour c123h419  RUNNING     2:40:10     6:00:00     10 512        48 4G         r05r18n[02-04],r05r20n[01-02],r20r20n04,r21r07n01,r21r08n01,r21r09n01,r21r10n01
r05r18n04 - 257415 MB - CPU(48/0/0/48)
    57435688   sixhour c123h419  RUNNING     2:40:10     6:00:00     10 512        48 4G         r05r18n[02-04],r05r20n[01-02],r20r20n04,r21r07n01,r21r08n01,r21r09n01,r21r10n01
r05r20n03 - 257415 MB - CPU(2/46/0/48)
    57069939      par1 y123a214  RUNNING  2-04:54:26 12-12:00:00      1 1           1 6G         r05r20n03
    57137254      par1 y123a214  RUNNING  2-04:54:26 12-12:00:00      1 1           1 150G       r05r20n03
r10r08n01 - 128000 MB - CPU(0/24/0/24)
r10r08n02 - 128000 MB - CPU(0/24/0/24)
r10r12n04 - 515072 MB - CPU(0/24/0/24)

As seen above the par1 partition has a sixhour job running across 2 of the nodes. A user from the par1 group may be wondering why their job is not starting because squeue -p par1 shows that there are nodes available. What squeue doesn't show is the sixhour jobs running on the nodes in the par1 partition.

  • JOBID - Job Id
  • PARTITION - Partition job is running in
  • USER - User running the job
  • STATE - Current state of the job
  • TIME - How much time has the job been running
  • TIME_LIMIT - Requested time limit for job
  • NODES - Number of nodes that job is runnig on
  • CPUS - Total number of CUs requested
  • MIN_CPUS - Number of CPUs requested for each node
  • MIN_MEMORY - Memory per CPU
  • NODELIST(REASON) - Nodes the job is running across

Partition: atmo CPUs (98/118/0/216) allocated/idle/other/total Nodes (3/3/0/6) GPUs (0/0) allocated/total MICs (0/0)

### Node Line
r05r18n03 - 257415 MB - CPU(48/0/0/48) ```

Node Name - Amount of memory on node - (Active CPUS / Idle CPUS / Offline CPUS / Total CPUS )